
To temper expectations, the various Boards have announced they are taking anywhere from 24 to 56 months to review applications from the time you submit your request. In some cases, where there is a matter of great importance, the Boards will “expedite” the request, but those still take from 9 to 12 months.
After you submit your request for a correction, it will take anywhere from 1 to 2 months for the Boards to acknowledge receipt and assign a docket number. Then, for the next 24 to 48 months your case will languish in a dark room until it is assigned to a caseworker. The case worker will review the file, and do one of the following: (1) reject the application because they don’t understand the question or they do not think they have enough information to continue; (2) request an advisory opinion from other staff elements on a particular point (after receiving the opinion it will be forwarded to you for comment); or, (3) draft a case review for the board members. There are other possibilities, but they are rare occurrences. Once the case synopsis is drafted, it will be assigned a hearing date – usually within 60-days of the completing of the case synopsis.
The actual board hearing consists of a document review by a panel of three volunteer Department employees (GS-15 or SES) assigned to the Washington, DC area. They usually serve as a Board member once or twice a year. Board dates are usually on Tuesday and Thursday. The board room is usually a typical large office with three desks. In the room is a table with anywhere from 75 to 100 cases. The three board members will read each of those cases and vote with a majority vote winning the day. So … think about the process. Three people 75 cases, 8 hours – 7 really with lunch and breaks. That is about 9 cases per hour, or 6 minutes per case. In other words, you need to make sure that your submission is concise and strong so that the board members can see all of your evidence to make a decision that is in your favor.
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