Military Personnel Law and Administrative Punishment

At MNB Meridian Law, Ltd., we are Veterans aiding active and reserve Service members, to protect their careers and post-military lives against the Government’s increasingly inappropriate and aggressive use of regulations, policies, procedures, and processes. Today, Military Department actions have third and fourth order effects that last an actual lifetime. We are former career Judge Advocates, having held ranks from E-1 to O-6, have more than 100 years of combined service, and have zealously advocated for three sides of the equation as defense, prosecution, and policy makers.

We are compelled to rectify the administrative wrongs military commanders cause Service members who tried their best but may have made a mistake, or even committed misconduct. Progressively, the Military Services are using comparatively excessive punishment for a single act of (alleged) misconduct, resulting in bad evaluations, reprimands, loss of security clearances, non-judicial punishment, and later, administrative separations with negative discharge characterizations, which have life-long impact..

Our attorneys are available to support Service members as they challenge adverse administrative actions and punishments military commanders use to “save” their commands and their careers. We assist with responding to administrative, criminal and inspector general investigations, bad evaluations or other “bad paper”, positive urinalysis, non-judicial punishment, removal of special designations and positions, reprimands, removal from positions, loss of security clearances, titling, and administrative separation boards, as well Medical and Physical Evaluations Boards (MEB, PEB) in the Individual Disability Evaluation System (IDES).

We also support Veterans with post-service records correction requests to accurately preserve each Veteran’s service and ensure their record accurately reflects their service. We assist with discharge upgrades, removal of adverse information, sentencing clemency, Titling removal, post-service requests for medical retirements, officer grade determinations, and correcting retirement grade and authorities, as well as other correction requests.

We can help with:

  • Active-Duty Military Personal Injury Claims
  • Army, Navy, and Air Force Academy and ROTC Disenrollments and Debt Collections
  • Article 138 Complaint Assistance
  • AWOL returns and negotiations
  • Compassionate Reassignment Requests
  • Congressional Investigations and Hearings
  • General and Flag Officer Representation
  • Grade Determination Review Boards
  • MEB/PEB/IDES Financial Counseling and Assistance
  • Military Clemency
  • Military Criminal, Command, Inspector General and Administrative Investigations
  • Military Discharge Review Board Representation
  • Military EO Complaints
  • Military Family Law and Divorce
  • Military Law Enforcement Titling Expungement
  • Military Records Corrections Representation
  • Mobilization Delay and Exemption Request
  • Presidential Pardons
  • USERRA Matters

Contact Us for Assistance

For assistance with a military personnel law or administrative punishment matter, please contact us by calling 215-268-3003 or using the online contact form. With offices in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and Alexandria, Virginia, MNB Meridian Law serves clients throughout the United States and around the globe.

What We've Done

Army Soldier Referred to IDES after 15-years

A former Army Soldier was discharged in 2006 for a “personality disorder” after suffering panic attacks while in theater and after being forcibly sodomized three times. MNB Meridian Law attorneys successfully that the Soldier files be referred to the Army Integrated Disability Evaluation System to determine whether he should have received a dis…

Grade Determination

A senior Department of Defense officer received a reprimand for an administrative error. After the reprimand was filed in their official military personnel file, the officer submitted for retirement. The Secretary concerned placed the officer’s file before a grade determination review board. The retired grade of any rear admiral or major general…

Army (AGR) Lieutenant Colonel Completely Exonerated

In 2014, an Army Lieutenant Colonel (LTC) ran afoul of his immediate commander resulting in multiple allegations that he had been disrespectful to the commander and another military service senior officer and failed to manage his command appropriately. The allegations resulted in a Memorandum of Reprimand, relief from command, removal from a promot…

Former Air Force Airman Punished because of Relationship

An Air Force Security Forces Airman received a General (under honorable conditions) discharge after being implicated through the “rumor mill” as having been a “friend with benefits” to the Airman arrested for leading a drug trafficking ring from within the base’s Security Forces office. MNB Attorneys successfully argued to the Air Force D…

Army Officer Receives $120,000+ in Back Retired Pay

An Army National Guard officer retired from active duty at a lower paygrade than the grade he was wearing due to the then-existing statutory authority. After nearly 15-years applying to the Army Board for Correction of Military Records, MNB Law Attorneys successfully argued the correct statutory interpretation and the officer received more than $12…
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