Army Reserve Major (P) and Army Civilian Security Clearance Revocation

The Officer became addicted to opioids after three successive serious injuries over the course of two years. A Second Lieutenant in the Major’s Army civilian office suspected he was “snorting cocaine” at his desk during lunch. Army CID investigated and determined that the Major was taking unprescribed opioids (prescribed but in dosages different than dispensed by the pharmacy). During questioning (without an attorney), the Major admitted to buying two pills in an illegal street sale. Due to the admission, in his military capacity, the Officer was issued a GOMOR, and his clearance was suspended (the officer later retired). In his Army Civilian capacity, he was given a reprimand, a two-week suspension without pay. The Major recognized his addiction and weened himself from the opioids and attended faith-based counseling. Four years later (in 2019) DoD CAF issued its Statement of Reasons and after the Major’s initial response, revoked his clearance. In an appeal to the DoD Office of Hearing Appeals, MNB Meridian Law attorneys successfully argued the Major committed one illegal act, recognized his addiction, sought assistance, and remained sober since the investigation – 4 years prior. The Army Personnel Security Advisory Board (“PSAB”) agreed with the DOHA ALJ, and granted the Major’s appeal and reissuing his clearance.