Martha Foss has more than 30 years of experience as a former active-duty and now retired Army Colonel and Judge Advocate. During that time, she has held senior legal advisory positions including as the Staff Judge Advocate, Army Aviation and Missile Command, Huntsville; During her time in those positions, Martha gained significant experience in with litigation, complex investigations, administrative law, compliance/risk, federal employment law, federal procurement contracting, government ethics, and environmental, and governance matters.
Leaning on her significant experience, Martha counsels currently serving members of the Armed Services facing adverse administrative processes military commanders are increasingly using, such as: administrative, criminal, and inspector general investigations, adverse performance reviews, positive urinalysis, non-judicial punishment, removal from command and positions of responsibility, formal reprimands, loss or suspension of security clearances, CID/NCIS/OSI titling, and administrative separation boards.
Ms. Foss enjoys serving as a volunteer coach for transitioning veterans and a board member for several veterans service organizations.
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