Soldier Sues Army Over FALSE “Arrest”

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 9, 2023 – The titling issue Army Staff Sergeant Rosales faces is an all-too-common occurrence that affects tens of thousands of Service members. Titling by the Military Criminal Investigative Organizations (MCIO) (USACID, NCIS, OSI) is indiscriminate. Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, and Guardians can be titled if the assigned investigator “believes” (there is “credible information”) at the time the investigation begins that you committed the crime or misconduct, they can title you – probable cause be damned.

We are heartened SSgt Rosales has the courage to stand up and hold the Army and the other Military Services to account. Congress tried to hold the Military Services responsible for their (apparent) arbitrary titling of Service members with the passage of Section 545 of the FY21 NDAA. But, as far as is publicly available, the Military Services are outright ignoring this statute. Hopefully, SSgt Rosales’ case will move DoD in the right direction.

When we worked with the Senate Armed Services Committee to pass Section 545 we were hopeful more indiscriminately titled Service members would come forward to request their records be expunged. Given this lawsuit, we encourage affected Service members to come forward and participate in the public movement and tell their stories.

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With more than 100 years of combined experience, the attorneys of MNB Meridian Law, Ltd. are the Nation’s foremost experts on military administrative law and the effects of administrative punishment on current Service members, as well as the life-long 2nd and 3rd order effects these issues will have on their post service lives. There is no reason to face an investigation, reprimand, relief from duty, administrative separation, ADSEP board, or other adverse action alone. MNB Meridian Law was purpose built to stand with you as you navigate the issues and defend your career, pay, benefits, entitlements, and reputation.
