Titling and Retirement

A U.S. Army Reserve prior-enlisted first lieutenant was accused of fraud and taking more than $10,000 in recruiting incentives under G-RAP – the Army National Guard’s illegal recruiting program. The lieutenant was investigated by Army CID, who found “probable cause” to believe he committed fraud. Army CID “shopped” the case to the Army military justice attorneys, the Department of Justice, the state Attorney General, and local county prosecutors, each of whom declined to prosecute. Army CID “titled” the officer prior to commencing their investigation. As a result of the titling, the officer was passed over for promotion, and he retired. The officer appealed to the Army Board for the Correction of Military Records. The ABCMR agreed and ordered the Army to convene a special selection board to promote the officer to captain. The Army conducted the Board but did not select the officer despite a late-2022 letter from Army CID admitting their mistake, and the ABCMR’s findings of fact. MNB Meridian attorneys sued, and the Army reversed course. The officer was retroactively promoted to 2016, with full back pay, benefits, entitlements, and allowances.