We agree completely with Robert Berg’s conclusions. Army commanders – all of the Military Departments really, are abandoning due process in an effort to make it easier to punish Service members. Administrative punishment, which has no civilian equivalent, and any resulting administrative separation (the logical and frequent conclusion of 15-6 investigations), adversely affect Service members. Their military careers are derailed through promotion denials, removal from command, denied security clearances, and processing for adverse administrative separation. Administrative punishments and adverse separations live on after Service members leave their Service in the form of an “arrest record,” denied employment, professional licenses, permits, and some Veterans benefits, among issues. Congress’ recent efforts at creating a DoD-wide discharge characterization review board, and providing greater due process rights in the removal of administrative “titling” information (the “Arrest Record”) from DoD and Department of Justice law enforcement records, are steps in the right direction, but Secretary Austin and the Department of Defense need to implement those reforms – NOW!
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