
First of all, when someone tells you not to worry, you can get your discharge upgraded automatically, or easily, that is simply not true. The process of upgrading your discharge at the military service Discharge Review Board is complicated, time consuming, and most assuredly, not guaranteed. You want to get the best discharge possible right when you leave the military. Why? Because until you get your discharge upgraded, you will suffer multiple prejudices and discriminations in the civilian sector and with government agencies. Your DD214 states your characterization of discharge and the reason for discharge. Potential employers may want to see your DD214, and it is required in USA Jobs. Generally, you will not be able to obtain Veterans Affairs (VA) health care if you have an OTH. You can’t be buried in a national cemetery. You may lose your Montgomery or Post 9-11 education benefits. You may not be able to receive VA disability compensation.
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